Powers of Attorney
A Power of Attorney allows you to appoint an attorney to act on your behalf.
The most common are Lasting Powers of Attorney, which take two forms:
- Property and Affairs: dealing with financial matters
- Health and Welfare: dealing with your personal welfare
We can advise you about setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney, and guide you through the forms to complete them.
Powers of Attorney can only be used once registered at the Office of the Public Guardian, and we can assist with that process. We also deal with ‘old style’ Enduring Powers of Attorney, and registration of those.
We deal with applications to the Court of Protection to appoint a Deputy, where someone has lost capacity (having not made a Power of Attorney) and so is unable to manage their own affairs.
Contact: sophie.endersby@wilmots.co.uk
Powers of Attorney
Our guides outline the benefits of Lasting Powers of Attorney: